Por que nos escolher: Nossos clientes ganham um curso de inglês Gratuito!

A M.Quality (“MQ”) é a empresa brasileira líder de imigração para a Austrália, a mais capacitada para apresentar os seus planos de como  morar legalmente na Austrália, pois somos a única agência que possui uma licença válida pelo governo australiano há mais de 22 anos.

Esta licença governamental nos obriga a possuir um seguro. Isto significa se algo der errado dentro dos termos contratuais, o seu reembolso está GARANTIDO em 100% ! Esta garantia você não encontra fora da M.Quality. Pergunte sobre isto em outras agências de imigração para a Austrália. As suas chances de obter o Skilled Visa são maiores conosco. 

Nós nunca subestimamos a sua inteligência, pois somos cientes que todos ou quase todos os interessados em migrar para a Austrália têm acesso as informações concernentes ao programa de imigração. Hoje, as informações abundam e estão disponíveis inclusive em vários canais. O que continua escassa é a capacidade de interpretar todas essas informações e formar diagnósticos imigratórios embasados e não viesados. Em nossa opinião cada vez mais, o que é valioso é a experiência de mais de 22 anos somada com a capacidade de transformar informação em estratégia e ação efetiva para conseguir o sucesso almejado na imigração para a Austrália. É este serviço altamente qualificado e assertivo que oferecemos para você. Conte sempre conosco! 

Somos a única agência de imigração para a Austrália brasileira, que oferece exclusivos serviços de apoio de emprego profissional para a imigração Austrália.

Somos a empresa mais capacitada para explicar-lhe em detalhes estas frequentes questões:1) O que é área regional na Austrália?; 2) Como sair do Brasil para trabalhar na Austrália em 2021?; 3) Quanto custa passar um ano na Austrália de intercâmbio?; 4) Qual o valor de um intercâmbio de 6 meses?; 5) Em que posso trabalhar na Austrália?; 6) Como funciona a imigração para a Austrália? etc.

Temos mais de 22 anos de experiência! Confira este fato: temos o único agente brasileiro de imigração para a Austrália  com mais de 22 anos de experiência e segundo os dados estatísticos recentes das autoridades imigratórias australianas o mesmo faz parte do seleto grupo de 23% de agentes de imigração Austrália com mais de 10 anos de experiência.

Converse confidencialmente e GRATUITAMENTE conosco pelo Whatsapp  [+61 422 924 581 (após as 20 hs)].

Para garantir a segurança e o atendimentode de nossos colaboradores, clientes e parceiros intensificamos o trabalho remoto (home office) dos nossos serviços de imigração, negócios, startups e intercâmbio profissional  p/ a Austrália.

Formamos o maior grupo de interessados  em imigração para a Austrália na América Latina no LinkedIn. Junte-se a nós, clicando aqui.

CSIRO scientists uncover the secret to long-term weight loss success


New research from CSIRO has revealed regular self-monitoring behaviours and tracking tools are the secret to losing weight and keeping it off.

The study initially mapped the total weight loss of 6602 CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet members that had completed the 12-week program. It found 64 per cent lost a clinically significant amount (>5 kilograms) of weight at one year, with a sustained average weight loss of 10.6kg, or 11.9 per cent of their starting body weight.

The most successful of this group lost an average of 22.3kg, equivalent to 21.7 per cent of their starting body weight.

To better understand the behaviours resulting in this success, CSIRO scientists conducted a further study* to compare the usage patterns of various CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet platform features. This second stage analysis revealed the perceived importance of tracking, self-monitoring and ongoing education to individuals.

Study participants who achieved weight loss exceeding 10 per cent of their starting body weight used all of the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet’s tools – weigh ins, food diary, menu plan, exercise plan, program content, forum and food search – 50 per cent more than those who lost less than five per cent over the same time period.

CSIRO research scientist Dr Gilly Hendrie said using tools and support frameworks to educate around diet and nutrition was critical for ongoing societal health and lifestyle improvements, especially given that 67 per cent of Australians are currently overweight or obese.

“There are no quick fixes when it comes to sustainable weight loss and a healthy lifestyle, and this study helps us to show that weight loss comes from a range of regular actions and positive behaviours,” Dr Hendrie said.

“It’s repeatedly using Total Wellbeing Diet tools, while developing positive habits, that help people to come back to, and maintain, a healthy lifestyle.

“We’re really happy to have more research that reinforces the critical role that lifestyle and behaviour change plays in long term weight loss and management,” she said.

Other key findings of the study included: 

  • It was most common (14.6 per cent of study participants) for people to lose weight during the first six months of a weight loss journey and then enter a maintenance phase for the remainder of the year
  • In spite of the maintenance phase, 54 per cent of 738 participants surveyed who had lost 14kg or more had been able to continue weight loss after a plateau
  • Most people reported that they were still monitoring their weight on a weekly basis (44 per cent), or at least weekly (daily + weekly, 64 per cent)
  • Members who lost more than 10 per cent of their body weight tended to view menu plans 70 per cent more
  • After the first 12 weeks, usage of the food diary was two-and-a-half to three times higher over the remainder of the year in members who lost 10 per cent or more of their starting body weight.

CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet member, Terry from Queensland, reinforced the importance of having ongoing access to the food and exercise tracker, menu plans and Facebook support group, crediting them to helping him maintain his 100kg weight loss for two years and nine months.

“The tools have created habits that are within me and now just part of my lifestyle,” Terry said.

“Every weekend, I'm using the food tracker to create my own meal plan before spending time in the kitchen to pre-prepare the meals for the busy work week ahead. With a little bit of preparation and accountability, eating well is really easy. There's less room to move off track as you know you already have a nutritious meal ready for you. There's less decision fatigue.

"It's also important to acknowledge that even though this is ideal, some weeks this doesn't happen. Last year, I let things slide a bit over the Christmas break. Rather than beat myself up, I just decided to simply refocus and reset by going back to basics - logging my weight and tracking my food intake. I was also kind to myself, something I picked up from others in the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet Facebook group.

“These days, I remind myself of how far I've come, reframing a setback as just part of the process, and an opportunity to reassess, refine and move forward." he said.

Find out more about the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet.



Living in Australia

“There are already countless additional vacancies created and opportunities to obtain a work visa in Australia within the immigration and business program for Australia for health professionals, entrepreneurs and start-ups, investors, etc. If you have a dream of working in Australia or simply want to place your family in a safer and healthier place to live, this is your unique chance to make it comes true. But you need to be among the first in line at immigration”, warns immigration consultant MaCson Queiroz JP. He is the founder and director of M.Quality, the only immigration and business agency with over 21 years of experience.

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Q1: What is Global Talent Visa Australia?

If you are serious planning to move to Australia and you would like to discuss your eligibility for the Global Talent Visa, make now an appointment completing the form above.

Q2: Can I apply for Global Talent visa?

It is especially important to observe that all sectors listed by the government for the Global Talent Visa Program are all about technology and for this Global Talent Visa Program Expression of Interest’s application. This translates you will not have any merits review, ministerial intervention, judicial interview, temporary visa, etc..

Q3: Do not apply for Global Talent visa Australia!

We are the unique immigration, and business consultancy in Australia, truly able to help you on Global Talent Visa Program Expression of Interest’s application, because we have the only expert in this industry, that is degree qualified in engineering, Australian patent holder, Agtech startup’s co-founder, Linkedin’s influencer with more than 25,000 followers, and registered migration agent, with more than 21 years’ experience. Nowadays, there is no more capacitated agency, in Australia than MQuality, to provide you the mastering help, you need to succeed on Global Talent Visa Program...

Q4: What is the engineering occupations list for Global Talent Independent Program?


However, you may prefer to nominate one or more sectors that are most applicable to your engineering profession, specialization or with alternative titles to become eligible... Click here for the full list and more!...

Q5: Who can apply for Global Talent visa in Australia?

In order to become eligible for Global Talent visa in Australia, you will have to prove your outstanding achievements are internationally recognised, still be remarkable in your field of expertise, evidence that you would be a great value to Australia in your field of expertise, have no difficulty becoming established in your area of expertise in Australia and mainly you must produce a proof of a recognised organisation or individual in Australia, in the same field of yours, nominating you as global talent.

Q6: How long does it take to get a global talent visa?

As the Global Talent visa in Australia is not for points-tested General Skilled Migration visas, general processing times are between 2 – 3 months.

Q7: What can you do with global talent visa?

You will be allowed to live in Australia permanently at any city of your choice. Also, you will be able to enroll in Australia's public health care scheme, the best Medicare in the world. If your relatives are nice with you, you are allowed to sponsor them to come to Australia. After you have learned what “cricket” means in Australia and when eligible, you may apply for Australian citizenship.

Q8: Do you help me with CDR’s Engineers Australia approval?


Let us explain you how we can help you legally. We are the unique immigration, and business consultancy in Australia, truly able to help you, on your career episodes or summary statement, because we have the only expert in this industry, that is degree qualified, experienced Electrical Engineer and previously member of the Institute of Engineers Australia , Australian patent holder, Agtech startup’s co-founder, Linkedin’s influencer with more than 27,000 followers, Registered Migration Agent, with more than 21 years’ experience that have already helped more than 3,000 engineers to obtain a positive CDR Engineers Australia’ skills assessment.... Click here for more!...

There is no better place in the world to learn a 2nd or 3rd language, because Australia is the friendliest and the most harmonious multicultural community in the planet. Why are you still reading this article? Complete the form above now!